
Second Entry
Hi-hidellyhodee there tech-eroonees and welcome to part two of my award winning blog, which is now syndicated in over 100 countries and being published for global release soon... maybe. Seeing as this is a tech-blog I will now continue to write in binary... 11000 100 10001 1010101 1010011 01010 10001 11010010100111010 10101.... Okay... I have just been informed by my producer that binary is unacceptable as a form of communication... well to that I say '100110101 to that'.

So, on to my 2007 wish list of technical wonder...
to be honest at the top of the list is a three way tie:

As you may be able to guess I am a bit of an avid gamer, so I am of course a tad bit interested in all of the next generation games consoles. The only one I've played so far is the 360 (thanks to my bro) and I have to say that I'm nicely impressed...
My many nieces and nephews in the USA are talking about this game.. and looks like a bloody good laugh... AIR GUITAR made tangible.... AWWWW YYYEAAAAHHH.. I'm gonna buy it for my Nephew.... But only because I wanna play it on the giant TV...
See you soon Techies... and a Happy New Year

뭐... 20여줄 가까이 된걸 삭제해놔서 읽기에는 좀 분량이 적다
그냥 재미로 봤으면 한다. 이사람 비교적 자유롭게 글쓰는 분이니까.

글쓴이 oli pettigrew 이사람;;;
1.본문에 글쓰면서 날짜 표기 하면 안되나요 ㅡㅡ;
 꼭 우측화면의 previous posts를 클릭해서 확인해봐야해?

2.두개밖에 안쓴거야[..?] 15일마다 글 쓰는거 같은데 지난주에 왜 글을 안쓴건지 ㅡㅡ;[....]

3.이분..댓글 달아주는 서비스는 없다[...기대 안해서 좋군 ㅡㅡ;]

블로깅 대략 마치며 다른이야기 링크 추가.
음...전설의 머신이군요; 5연속 헤어핀..이라는게 뭔지 모르겠네요;
워낙 에니메이션을 본적도, 관련 레이싱 게임 공략도 찾아보고 싶어도 답이 안나오니;
..일단 네이버 검색부터 시작이겠지요.
Posted by 햇빛=판네루=keke